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북한 난민

ACT 운동은 억압받고 길을 잃은 사람들에게 회복을 가져다줍니다. 북한 주민과 난민들은 세상에서 잊혀졌고, 그들에게 치유와 자유를 가져다줄 때입니다! 그들의 곤경은 인류 전체에 영향을 미칩니다. "한 사람이 고통받으면 우리 모두 고통받습니다. 함께하는 것이 힘입니다. 용기입니다."

Mentoring North Korean Refugees in Prisons


Through Prison Fellowship International, we visit prisons in South Korea to provide North Korean refugees with mentoring, and also check up on them regularly after their release, to make sure they are supported during their restoration into society. 

North Korean Children and Teenagers

In the summer of 2024, we held a camp for North Korean defector youth, hosted by our partner organization - Unible Heart. It was a time for healing and recovery to take place through various programs, and the Korean children of North and South Korea became one. We give them space to share their stories and to be heard, and facilitate healing, and family restoration. We also run a scholarship foundation to support the youth.


We can positively impact the lives of the most forgotten people in the world. Be a part of our vision today. Let's bring healing and restoration to the North Korean refugees.

With Your Help..

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