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Daily ACT

Daily ACT is a movement about simple actions that change the world. We provide daily inspiration and ideas on how to act in small yet mighty ways to uplift yourself and your community. Through our words and actions, we have the power to change the atmosphere of our communities for the better. How we think, speak, and act - create our destinies.

We Provide Daily Ideas on How to ACT

You can do this with your family, small groups, meditation groups, friends, and even solo.
Be the change and see the change!


Through Daily ACTs, people’s self esteems and self identity have been awakened, and they have the courage to pursue their dreams and callings as a result. When we align our thoughts, words, and actions with intention and compassion, everything changes!

Feedback from the Daily ACT Community

"Through the Daily ACTs, there is more meaningful conversation at home with my family, and also with my friends. We are bonding and connecting in a new way than ever before"

"After participating in the Daily ACTs, I look at myself in a new way and have realized how precious I am, and to take care of myself more sincerely."

"The Daily ACTs have pushed me to try new things, and as a result I have become a more courageous person than before."

"It has made me more generous and giving. My heart and entire life habits have changed."

"Our small group has implemented Daily ACTs. We encourage each other to go outside of our comfort zone with the compassionate actions, and share our reflections after the Daily ACTs. It has facilitated deep healing within our circle."

Join the Daily ACT Movement Today!

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